New version 6.0.2800.93 ???
Arioch /BDV/
2004-08-24 21:53:38 UTC
The stars so gaily glistened... (Tue, 24 Aug 2004 21:57:13 +0200 @873)
...while the fading voice of Melchior whispered through the darkness,
making lonely ghost of All tremble:

MdC> Is the "93" a bta version ?

Seems, it is.
Look at proper thread in gmane.network.fidolook.russian forum.
(www.translate.ru if would like to read it)
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Konstantin Zadorozhny
2004-08-25 02:53:40 UTC
Hello, Melchior!
You wrote to All on Tue, 24 Aug 2004 21:57:13 +0200:

MdC> It seems that a new version has been released,
MdC> Fidolook 2004 (HL) 6.0.2800.93 - 21/8/2004 14:51:10, but on the web :
MdC> http://www.fidolook.org/index.php?pagename=Main.Downloads
MdC> it still shows ver. 6.0.2800.92

MdC> Is the "93" a bĂȘta version ?

Historically FL has very thin edge between alpha, beta, and working
beta. :) 93 has not been tested enough to make it to web site download page.

93 include changes necessary to make FL work with new OE coming with XP
SP2. Also George did a lot of code cleaning, and may be broke something.

If you whant to test it, you are welcome:


With best regards, Konstantin Zadorozhny.
Sergey Pushnyakov
2004-08-25 09:35:11 UTC
Hello, Melchior!
You wrote to Konstantin Zadorozhny on Wed, 25 Aug 2004 09:05:15 +0200:

MdC> I have only a minor problem with smileys, still not showing. But i
MdC> think it's because i only allow "plain text" for security reasons.
Do you use "Download Controlling" (Misc->Setup->Doc Host)?
If you have "Download only" option turned ON - you'll never get any smile :)

Otherwise try to play with those options - it seems problem is here.

Arioch /BDV/
2004-08-30 10:42:47 UTC
The stars so gaily glistened... (Wed, 25 Aug 2004 13:35:11 +0400 @441)
...while the fading voice of Sergey whispered through the darkness,
making lonely ghost of Melchior de Contades tremble:

SP> If you have "Download only" option turned ON - you'll never get any
SP> smile :)

I wonder, if George could inject those smileys directly into IE's cache, so
it will think those images are already downloaded ?
Or somehow make them pseudo-attached ? :-)
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http://Arioch.nm.ru/FL/Fidolook_SL.png Mail: the_Arioch<at>nm<dot>ru
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