Variable in Fidolook
Konstantin Zadorozhny
2004-08-02 01:53:11 UTC
Hello, Melchior!
You wrote to All on Sun, 1 Aug 2004 11:51:22 +0200:

MdC> Using FidolookSL since yesterday.... Great program !

MdC> I didn't find in the "FAQ" the list of all "variables" that we can use
MdC> in the templates, like :

MdC> %ffnam
MdC> %fngrp
MdC> %fdate:

MdC> Could we have a complete list of them ? Thank you very much ! :-)

Here it is:

Sender Attribs
%ffrom - Name and Address
%fname - Full Name
%ffnam - First Name
%fmail - Address
%ffidoem - Fido Address
%fabbr - Abbreviation

Recepient Attribs
%f_to_ - Full Name and Address
%ftonm - Full Name
%ftofn - First Name
%ftoem - Address (email)
%ftofidoem - Fido Address
%ftoab - Abbreviation

CC Attribs
%f_cc_ - Full Name and Address
%fccnm - Full Name
%fccfn - First Name
%fccem - Address (e-mail)
%fccfidoem - Fido Address
%fccab - Abbreviation

Reply-To Attribs
%frpto - Full Name and Address
%frtnm - Full Name
%frtfn - First Name
%frtem - Address (email)
%frtfidoem - Fido Address
%frtab - Abbreviation

Original Message Attribs
%flins - Lines count
%fsize - Size (in bytes)
%fmsid - MessageID
%fmsgURL - Message URL
%fhost - NNTP-Posting-Host
%fsubj - Subject
%fngrp - Newsgroup
%forga - Organization
%fx_ct - X-Comment-To
%fdist - Distribution
%fkeyw - Keywords
%ftrln - X-FTN-Tearline
%forig - X-FTN-Origin
%farea - X-FTN-AREA
%faccserver - Account Server
%faccuser - Account User
%faccname - Account Name
%facceml - Account Email
%faccid - Account ID

Original Time Attribs
%fdate - Date
%fYYYY - Long Year
%fYY - Short Year
%fMMM - Month as short text (en-us)
%fMMMR - Month as short text (ru)
%fMMMM - Month as long text (en-us)
%fMMMMR - Month as long text (ru)
%fMMMMFR - Month as long text (ru)
%fMM - Month number MM
%fWWW - Weekday as short text (en-us)
%fWWWR - Weekday as short text (ru)
%fWWWW - Weekday as long text (en-us)
%fWWWWR - Weekday as long text (ru)
%fDD - Day of Month DD
%fDDDDR - Day of Month as text (ru)
%fDDDDFR - Day of Month as text (ru)
%ftime - Time HH:MM:SS
%fHHMM - Time HH:MM
%fHH - Hour of Time HH
%fNN - Noun of Time NN
%fSS - Second of Time SS

Original Header Functions
%fhdrf(hdr) - Get text of header
%faddrfull(hdr) - Extract full address
%faddrname(hdr) - Extract name
%faddrfname(hdr) - Extract first name
%faddreml(hdr) - Extract e-mail
%faddrfido(hdr) - Extract FIDO address
%faddrabbr(hdr) - Extract first letters of name

New Message Attributes
%cflbuild - Fidolook build
%caccserver - Account Server
%caccuser - Account User
%caccname - Account Name
%cacceml - Account Email
%caccid - Account ID
%cngrp - Newsgroup
%cngrprev - Newsgroup revert (NewsMailer)

Current Time Attribs
%cdate - Date
%cYYYY - Long Year YYYY
%cYY - Short Year YY
%cMMM - Month as short text (en-us)
%cMMMR - Month as short text (ru)
%cMMMM - Month as long text (en-us)
%cMMMMR - Month as long text (ru)
%cMMMMFR - Month as long text (ru)
%cMM - Month number MM
%cWWW - Weekday as short text (en-us)
%cWWWR - Weekday as short text (ru)
%cWWWW - Weekday as long text (en-us)
%cWWWWR - Weekday as long text (ru)
%cDD - Day of Month DD
%cDDDDR - Day of Month as text (ru)
%cDDDDFR - Day of Month as text (ru)
%ctime - Time HH:MM:SS
%cHHMM - Time HH:MM
%cHH - Hour of Time HH
%cNN - Noun of Time NN
%cSS - Second of Time SS

Original Header Functions
%?hdrf(hdr) - Get text of header
%?addrfull(hdr) - Extract full address
%?addrname(hdr) - Extract name from address
%?addrfname(hdr) - Extract first name
%?addreml(hdr) - Extract e-mail
%?addrfido(hdr) - Extract FIDO address
%?addrabbr(hdr) - Extract first letters of name

Baskets masks
%rand[A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J] - Random string from corresponging basket
%rand(Basket) - Random line from specified basket
%list[A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J] - Select next string from basket

File masks

%file(file) - All text from file
%filerand(file) - One random text row from filer.

Conditional operators
%if(exp) - IF(expression)
%then(exp) - THEN(expression)
%else(exp) - ELSE(expression)
%match(exp1,exp2) - Match expr2 into expr1. expr2 can have *,? operators
=? exp1 exp2 ... ?= - Logical AND
=! exp1 exp2 ... != - Logical XOR

String functions
%squotrev(exp) - Replace quotes
%htmlschrs(exp) - Replase HTML special chars

External masks (EMH)
%extrn(mask,prm) - Call external mask handler
George Hazan
2004-08-02 08:18:53 UTC
Hello, Melchior!
Sun, 1 Aug 2004 11:51:22 +0200 you wrote:

MdC> I didn't find in the "FAQ" the list of all "variables" that we can use
MdC> in the templates, like :
MdC> Could we have a complete list of them ? Thank you very much ! :-)

You can create a template with the full list of those variables, it will
give you the complete information about all possible fields. Just select the
'Dump all masks' line in the greeting/signature editor's popup menu.
WMBR, George Hazan (ghazan-***@public.gmane.org)
Konstantin Zadorozhny
2004-08-03 19:30:54 UTC
Hello, Melchior!
You wrote to George Hazan on Mon, 2 Aug 2004 12:03:12 +0200:

GH>> You can create a template with the full list of those variables, it
GH>> will give you the complete information about all possible fields.
GH>> Just select the 'Dump all masks' line in the greeting/signature
GH>> editor's popup menu.

MdC> Well well, very nice "trick" indeed ! :-)

MdC> Konstantin gave me already an extensive list of those variables in a
MdC> post here, but curiously it does not appear when reading this
MdC> newsgroup on the gmane web...

That's odd. :) Probably gmane did something with my massage. :) Let's
see what it going to do with this one.
But who uses web interface anyway, if there is real newsgroup available?

With best regards, Konstantin Zadorozhny.
Konstantin Zadorozhny
2004-08-05 00:43:54 UTC
Hello, Melchior!
You wrote to Konstantin Zadorozhny on Wed, 4 Aug 2004 09:23:06 +0200:

KZ>> That's odd. :) Probably gmane did something with my massage. :)

MdC> Hum hum, let's see... I have noticed something strange in your
MdC> headers, when you reply to this newsgroup :

MdC> X-Spam-Report: 5.7 points;
MdC> * 10 SPF_FAIL SPF: sender does not match SPF record (fail)
MdC> * [SPF failed: Please see
MdC> * 2.5 FORGED_HOTMAIL_RCVD2 hotmail.com 'From' address, but no
MdC> 'Received:'
MdC> * -8.0 BAYES_00 BODY: Bayesian spam probability is 0 to 1%
MdC> * [score: 0.0000]
MdC> * 1.2 PRIORITY_NO_NAME Message has priority, but no
MdC> X-Mailer/User-Agent Xref: main.gmane.org gmane.network.fidolook:108
MdC> gmane.spam.detected:303918
MdC> X-Report-Unspam: http://unspam.gmane.org/gmane.network.fidolook:108

MdC> and it is crossposted also in "gmane.spam.detected".....

MdC> I wonder if Gmane consider your post as a spam ??? :-(

It definitely does. SPF greatly contributes to it. ;) It understandable,
b/c so called "mailing list" resides on shared hosting. Unfortunately this
is how things work now.

With best regards, Konstantin Zadorozhny.

Konstantin Zadorozhny
2004-08-03 19:36:31 UTC
Hello, Melchior!
You wrote to Konstantin Zadorozhny on Mon, 2 Aug 2004 08:42:56 +0200:

MdC> [.../...] (skipped)

MdC> Thank you very much for the quick response ! It's really nice to get
MdC> support so quickly... :-)
Sometime it gets me to do unexpected things. :)

MdC> What a fantastic program "FidolookSL" is ! absolutely magnificent. I
MdC> am an old (1989/1991) BBS user (FidoNet) and i must say using it
MdC> brings me back a lot of old good memories... (you see what i mean).
But you don't using FTNStub part, right? Nether do I, but some still

Thanks for comments. Actually you regards should be passsed to Andrey
No, Geroge Hazan and others. They are actual developers.

With best regards, Konstantin Zadorozhny.